Monday, August 29, 2011

Bread Dough

Trying to figure out a way to freeze bread dough. Any Ideas?


Making waffles this morning to freeze and prepare for school. It is a great way to stock up when you want waffles for breakfast anyway. Just make a double or triple batch and freeze the rest. When you are ready for a waffle breakfast, put in the toaster or microwave! Way cheaper than Eggo's.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Chocolate Chip cookies

This is an oops. But a good oops. I was making Chocolate Chip cookies with my boys and I realized that the dough was really dry. I looked at the recipe on the Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chips bag and realized that I forgot the butter! I had already added the pile of chocolate chips to the dough but had not mixed it yet. So, I melted the butter in the microwave and poured it over the chocolate chips, slightly melting them. Mixed the cookie dough anyway and made the cookies. They turned out even better! My husband said that these were the best cookies I had made yet! They turned out more fluffy and gooey than normal and the dough was slightly chocolaty as well from the melted butter melting the chocolate! See... Distractions are not always a bad thing! Sometimes, mistakes can turn out for the better!

Happy Eating!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Baked Eggs

Good Saturday!

It is egg season on our farm and we have an abundance. This morning I made baked eggs, an idea from Julia Child on a 60's showing of "The French Chef" titled Elegence with Eggs. Take a muffin tin and butter the cups. Add your eggs (one fits nicely in a standard size), and salt and pepper to taste. you can also add cream for more of a custardy taste. Put the tin in a Pyrex baking dish with water in the bottom. Put on the stove top over medium heat until the bottom of the eggs turn white. Then put the Pyrex with the tin and water in the oven under a hot broiler. Leave the oven cracked open to check on the eggs. Takes about 2-3 minutes to cook or until the tops of the eggs are white. add diced ham on the side when served. Or serve on top of toasted bread/biscuit with sauce, cheese, and parsley. Use your imagination and share your creations with me!

This recipe is great for breakfast, brunch or an appetizer!

Happy Eating!

For the Julia Child video, click the link below: